Please contact us by phone at 617.475.0909
or by email at

Our fax number is 617.379.2958

Please note that contacting us does not create an attorney client relationship.

If your landlord has not returned your security deposit please call us for a free conversation to learn what steps you can take and what options you have to get it back.

Read about some of the work I have been apart of….

Faculty for: Residential Landlord-Tenant Practice at Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, providing training in landlord tenant law to Massachusetts lawyers.

Helping tenants in a 122 unit building that was flooded displacing families and causing $500,000 in damages.

Fighting evictions and rent hikes by Alpha management. Resulting in a jury trial win for the tenants in Malden District Court and the Superior Court ordered the landlord to pay tens of thousands of dollars to the group of tenants.

Fighting for a family that had been battling their landlord over a roach infestation in their public housing apartment.

Public Interest Leadership Program of the Boston Bar Association (PILP) 2006-2007 Alumnus

PILP announcement from the Boston Bar Association


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